Congratulations on choosing remote energy work as a way to optimize your well being!
In the subject box below please write if you want a space clearing, to unleash potentials, or balance chakras.
In the message box below please write the following:
1. Your full name, place, date, and time of birth (if you know it).
2. The plan (basic, standard, premium) or package (silver, gold, platinum) you wish to purchase, and if you want to purchase a supplement (one, two, or three).
3. More information regarding the issue you want help with. (ie. the address of the space you want cleared, the area of your life you want to grow).
4. Let Jody know if you prefer to pay through Venmo or Zelle.
Please read and agree to the terms and conditions below.
Sending your message indicates your agreement.
When Jody receives your message she will check in energetically to make sure she is able to help you.
If she gets a "yes" you will receive a payment request.
If she gets a "no" it means she is unable to help. (rarely does she get a "no", though it does sometimes happen)
The energies Jody works with are natural to me and the universe. The balances and energy attunements Jody facilitates for my energy systems and environments create the potential for positive growth and change.
I am responsible for my intentions, perceptions, receptivity, and experiences of any outcomes or effects that may happen for me in regards to my well being.
I have primary responsibility for my well being and for making decisions regarding my well being.
I understand that an energy alignment session is not a substitute for medical or psychological treatment and does not interfere with the treatment of a licensed medical professional.
Energy Healing Facilitators do not medically diagnose or treat medical or mental health conditions.
I am a consenting adult, over the age of 18, and I acknowledge that I have read, understand, and agree with the above statements, and am a willing participant in remote energy work.
© 2024 Jody Smith Long
All rights reserved